From Memory Alpha:
"A cataclysm in the 24th century throws two ships back in time to the 23rd century, altering the course of history. With a different life where he never knew his father, James T. Kirk becomes a brilliant yet cynical misfit who is finally convinced to join Starfleet by Captain Christopher Pike in 2255. Three years later, Kirk, Vulcan First Officer Spock, and the young crew of the new USS Enterprise, with guidance from Spock's future self, must figure out a way to work together to prevent the one responsible for the death of Kirk's father, the future Romulan known as Nero, from destroying the Federation in a mad quest for vengeance."

- Chris Pine as James T. Kirk
- Zachary Quinto as Mr. Spock
- Eric Bana as Nero
- Bruce Greenwood as Christopher Pike
- Karl Urban as Dr. Leonard McCoy ("Bones")
- Zoe Saldana as Nyota Uhura
- Simon Pegg as Montgomery Scott ("Scotty")
- John Cho as Hikaru Sulu
- Anton Yelchin as Pavel Chekov
- Ben Cross as Sarek
- Leonard Nimoy as old Spock