The manga was initially serialized in monthly magazine Bouquet (ぶ〜け), which belonged to Shueisha publishing company. After the closure of Bouquet in March 2000, Clover was transferred to shojo magazine Cookie (クッキー). Since 2006 the manga had been serialized in yet another Shueisha's josei magazine Chorus (コーラス), which was recently renamed to "Cocohana". The final chapter of Clover was published in April 2010 in the 6th installment of Chorus. The last volume was released on April 23, 2010.
Major characters
The following was written by Michele, former fanlisting owner, and edited by me.
Saya Suzuki is 21 years old. She lives with her twin brother and her younger sister who is in Junior High. Her parents currently are working overseas. Saya works in the advertising department as an Office Lady. She has never completely gotten over her first love, Kazaki Tokiwa, from when she was fourteen. Tokiwa and his family moved away, and Saya has never stopped thinking about the promise they made to each other to marry one day. However, her whole world blows apart when she is asked out on a date by her supervisor, Tsuge, and then after attending her junior high school reunion she is greeted by Tokiwa's brother, who informs her that Tokiwa is now married and living in America. Devastated by this information, Saya seeks solace in a drink, and she runs into Tsuge at the bar. He again asks Saya to date him, as a form of 'rehabilitation' to get over her lost love.
Susumu Tsuge is 28 years old and is the director of the advertising department in the office where Saya works. She honestly can't stand him at first because he gives her a hard time, but one day out of the blue Tsuge asks Saya if she'd like to date him. He just broke up with his girlfriend, and has always been interested in Saya. He offers to date her to help her through a period of 'rehabilitation' after she finds out her first love is now married. They have to keep their relationship a secret from the rest of the office.
Rurika Matsuzawa is in her twenties, and Saya says although she 'has a cute appearance, she really is a pervert always looking for decent men.' She's had several boyfriends, and it seems most all of them end up cheating on her and she gets dumped.
Yagami Kayuzo is 23 years old and works in the same office as Saya. Yagami seems to be the voice of reason within the group of friends. She's often Saya's sounding board in regard to Saya's relationship with her supervisor. At the beginning of the series she is dating a married man who is 38 years old.
Manga volumes
Initial release:The original manga was then republished by Shueisha in 13 volumes. They were released between November 2008 to August 2012.