Hello and welcome to the The Betrayal, the animefanlistings.com-approved fanlisting dedicated to the relationship between Aizen Sousuke & Hirako Shinji from Bleach, a well-known anime and manga series. If you're a fan of this relationship, please, join us! ♥ If you want to update your fanlisting information, please use this update form instead. Please be advised that this website contains unmarked spoilers!
16 (+0)
members from 10 countries

updated 19th July 2024


  1. Be some manner of a fan of the relationship. What that entails is up for interpretation, but you should like their dynamic. The fanlisting is open for joining no matter what aspect of their relationship you enjoy, as long as it has a positive connotation.
  2. You have to input a valid e-mail address and country.
  3. Please, use sane name/nickname when filling the form. Having too much numbers or symbols in your nickname is not appreciated. I will change your name if necessary.
  4. A website is not required, but if you do have a website and you want it to be listed on the site, please pick a code and link back to us.
  5. Please do not direct link codes or images.