The fanlisting was last updated on 24th March 2025, with Ruru as the newest member. There are currently 218 fans listed and 0 pending. Powered by Enthusiast.
Greetings! Welcome to The Answer to Every Question, the TAFL-approved fanlisting dedicated to the song Tsuki no Curse (月の呪縛) from the popular anime series Loveless. If you're a fan of this amazing opening song, please, join us! If you want to update your fanlisting information, please use update form instead.

MANY thanks to arashi for letting me adopt it!

What is a fanlisting?

A fanlisting is simply an online list of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. The only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country. If you'd like to know more, please visit or



If you'd like to be listed here, please contact me.

The Answer to Every Question is a part of and TAFL. The fanlisting exists for nonprofit entertainment purposes only, no copyright infringement intended.