These are all my fanlistings.Showing fanlistings under the anime & manga: relationships category...
The Betrayal: Aizen Sousuke & Hirako Shinji fanlisting
Relationship between two Bleach characters. Love them individually and together. Hirako Shinji is the only one who deserves to stand beside my god Aizen. The fanlisting was opened on 31st July 2008 and has 16 members.
The Thin Bridge: Kuchiki Rukia & Kuchiki Byakuya fanlisting
Relationship between two Bleach characters. The fanlisting was opened on 04th January 2013 and has 11 members.
Pay Back: Kurosaki Ichigo & Zaraki Kenpachi fanlisting
Relationships between two Bleach characters, who, I believe, could become great friends. And Kenpachi's battle with Ichigo is absolutely the best in the whole series. The fanlisting was opened on 31st May 2007 and has 30 members.