This site houses fanlistings I own and maintain, and currently consists of 49 fanlistings, plus 0 upcoming. It has a total of 1637 members, with 3 waiting to be added. Also, I have already joined 471 fanlistings.
This collective is powered by Enthusiast script and Wordpress.

Newest joined

Recent owned


Please select a category:
  • » owned / visit my fanlistings.
  • » joined / to see fanlistings, which I simply joined as a fan.
  • » wishlist / the fanlistings that I'd love to own, but they don't belong to me.
  • » adopted out / fanlistings that were adopted out by me.
The Fanlistings Network The Anime Fanlistings Network

Keep in mind

Keep in mind is a list of the people to keep in mind in case I decide to part with any of the fanlistings. If by any chance you'd like to own a fanlisting that currently belongs to me, please email me and I will add you to the (offline) list.