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Last updated: 24th February 2025
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Newest members: JosephLot
Script used: Enthusiast [Robotess Fork] v. 1.0.6 (Beta) (original version)
The actor
Toshiro Mifune was born in China in a Japanese family. His father owned a photo studio. Toshiro grew up in Dalian, a Chinese city, where his family moved in 1925. At first Mifune worked in his father's studio, then joined Japanese army and moved to Japan. In 1946 Mifune was demobilized and came to Tokyo. He joined Toho company as an operator's assistant.
In 1947 Mifune debuted as an actor in Shin Baka Jidai ("Time for the new fools") directed by Senkichi Taniguchi. During the filming of Taniguchi's next film Ginrei no hate (1947) Toshiro Mifune met Akira Kurosawa. He got a leading role in 1948 Kurosawa's film Drunken Angel. Since then their long-term cooperation began. International fame came to of them after Rashomon (1950), where Mifune played a role of robber Tajoumaru. The last joint work of Kurosawa and Mifune was the drama Red Beard (1965).
Accroding to toshiromifune.org, Kurosawa later wrote of Mifune in his autobiography:"Mifune had a kind of talent I had never encountered before in the Japanese film world. It was, above all, the speed with which he expressed himself that was astounding. The ordinary Japanese actor might need ten feet of film to get across an impression; Mifune needed only three."
Toshiro Mifune starred in other directors' films as well. In particular, he performed the legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi in Samurai trilogy directed by Ishiro Honda (Miyamoto Musashi, Zoku Miyamoto Musashi and Miyamoto Musashi Kanketsuhen). Since the early 1960s Mifune acted in European and American films, most notably Red Sun (1971), 1941 directed by Steven Spielberg (1979) and Shogun (1980) miniseries.
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Philippines — email — website — role: Tajomaru
United States — email — website — role: High And Low
Russia — email — website — role: The Bad Sleep Well
Canada — — website — role:
Germany — email — website — role: Tokugawa Ieyasu (Kabuto)
Poland — — website — role: