(a trio of indie game developers) which was released in 2016. The game received favorable reviews from the critics.
If you're a fan of this gorgeous and memorable game, please, join us! ♥
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from 7 countries
updated 27th January 2025
Just like with the first game, the plot of The Banner Saga 2 is an interactive story, meaning that certain events may or may not happen depending on the player's decisions in travel. It begins exactly where the first one left off.
The game follows several playable characters, mostly the original characters from the first game (Rook
or his daughter Alette
depending on your playthrough of the original) and the infamous mercenary group The Ravens
, led by the Varl Berserker Bolverk and his second in command shieldmaiden known as Folka. Each have their own story that ultimately merges into one. It also intriduces a new race of the centaur-like Horseborn and new enemy types.
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The fanlisting exists for nonprofit entertainment purposes only. Everything belongs to its respective owners, no copyright infringement intended. Even The Trees Can Smell Your Blood is a part of and TFL, layout version 1.0.
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- You must like the game. What are you doing here otherwise? ;)
- You have to input a valid e-mail address and country.
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